TO DO: For me: Take an art class
Take a writing class (12/10/08)
Unblock creativity
Walk 10 miles per month (19/330)
Try insulin resistance diet for two weeks (5 months as of Jan 2010)
Swim at least once per month (9/33)
Have a massage once a year (0/3)
Have acupuncture once a year (20/3)
Submit something for publicationHike the desert side of Sinks Canyon (8/29/10)
Go snowmobiling in Wyoming
Go horseback riding 8 times (8/8)
Clean out clothes twice a year (5/5)
Organize my earringsLearn a magic trick
Buy some art (12/7/08 - Christmas present from Jack)
Go to ACRL (attending virtually)Watch Casablanca
Get a tribal lands pass
Journal every week's events (0/142)
Participate in a local walk/run event
Spend less than 5 hours a day on the computer including work
Take a picture of myself once a month Blog once a week (32/142)
Get a pedicure every Spring (2/2)
Go to church once a month (9/33)
Hike to Popo Agie falls (June 2010)
For us:Take Sluggo to obedience classHelp Jack record at least five poems (3/5)
Ride into the wilderness
Fly over the Wind Rivers
Create a calendar with all relevant birthdays on itDraft a 'what if one of us dies' plan with Jack
For the house: Insulate the wall
Hang curtains in bedroom
Get an alternative heat source
Plant lupines
Plant delphinium
Plant columbineMove irises
Make/get a headboardGrow herbs in the kitchenReplace carpet
Replace linoleum
Vaccuum once a week (3/142)
For the planet: Replace light bulbs with better onesAttend farmer's marketPost something on freecycle
Give blood TO GET: Get a laptopGet an mp3 playerGet wireless headphones
Get new sneakersTO GIVE:Choose 10 Christmas presents from Etsy (3/10)
Tithe to charities once per month (2/33)ie, food bank, Grady Grossman school, One Stop Center
Have Jenna overnight every 6 weeks (4/25)
Write four letters to Kimmy Write to Hailey and Cole four times each(6/8)
Write Christmas letters (2/3)
Send birthday cards
Make a blurb cookbook for Jack (he doesn't want one)
Buy Christmas presents for children in need Update Jack's website (he doesn't want to)
Make a family tree for Adam's family
Support Kimmy monthly (10/15)
TO VISIT: Attend a play (Church Basement Ladies with Anne)
Visit the Nicolaysen MuseumVisit the Wildlife Art Museum
See a friend outside of work once per month (9/33)
Visit Maine twice (2/2)
Go to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center (2/14/09)
Have Jack and Robin over
Go to Kansas City 3 times (3/3)
Celebrate a wedding anniversary at the Old Faithful Inn
See Maggie
Go to Moccasin lakeTO MAKE: Make an afghan (in process)
Make Ciara a quilt (12/25/09)
Make a photo calendarFrame 4 of my photos Put family photos up (2010)
Write a short story
Finish the mystery novel
Fill one notebook per month (0/33)
Make braided rug kit
TO PAY: Pay off the dentist Save a quarter a day (3/1001)
Pay off F&M
Build $1,000 emergency fund
Sell something on ebay for everything I buy there (0/3)
Stay current on billsBring lunch to work 3x week (9/426)