Monday, September 22, 2008

101 things to do in 1001 days



For me:
Take an art class
Take a writing class (12/10/08)
Unblock creativity
Walk 10 miles per month (19/330)
Try insulin resistance diet for two weeks (5 months as of Jan 2010)
Swim at least once per month (9/33)
Have a massage once a year (0/3)
Have acupuncture once a year (20/3)
Submit something for publication
Hike the desert side of Sinks Canyon (8/29/10)
Go snowmobiling in Wyoming
Go horseback riding 8 times (8/8)
Clean out clothes twice a year (5/5)
Organize my earrings
Learn a magic trick
Buy some art (12/7/08 - Christmas present from Jack)
Go to ACRL (attending virtually)
Watch Casablanca
Get a tribal lands pass
Journal every week's events (0/142)
Participate in a local walk/run event
Spend less than 5 hours a day on the computer including work
Take a picture of myself once a month
Blog once a week (32/142)
Get a pedicure every Spring (2/2)
Go to church once a month (9/33)
Hike to Popo Agie falls (June 2010)

For us:
Take Sluggo to obedience class
Help Jack record at least five poems (3/5)
Ride into the wilderness
Fly over the Wind Rivers
Create a calendar with all relevant birthdays on it
Draft a 'what if one of us dies' plan with Jack

For the house:
Insulate the wall
Hang curtains in bedroom
Get an alternative heat source
Plant lupines
Plant delphinium
Plant columbine

Move irises
Make/get a headboard
Grow herbs in the kitchen
Replace carpet
Replace linoleum
Vaccuum once a week (3/142)

For the planet:
Replace light bulbs with better ones
Attend farmer's market
Post something on freecycle
Give blood

Get a laptop
Get an mp3 player
Get wireless headphones
Get new sneakers

Choose 10 Christmas presents from Etsy (3/10)
Tithe to charities once per month (2/33)ie, food bank, Grady Grossman school, One Stop Center
Have Jenna overnight every 6 weeks (4/25)
Write four letters to Kimmy
Write to Hailey and Cole four times each(6/8)
Write Christmas letters (2/3)
Send birthday cards
Make a blurb cookbook for Jack (he doesn't want one)
Buy Christmas presents for children in need
Update Jack's website (he doesn't want to)
Make a family tree for Adam's family
Support Kimmy monthly (10/15)

Attend a play (Church Basement Ladies with Anne)
Visit the Nicolaysen Museum
Visit the Wildlife Art Museum
See a friend outside of work once per month (9/33)
Visit Maine twice (2/2)
Go to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center (2/14/09)
Have Jack and Robin over
Go to Kansas City 3 times (3/3)
Celebrate a wedding anniversary at the Old Faithful Inn
See Maggie
Go to Moccasin lake

Make an afghan (in process)
Make Ciara a quilt (12/25/09)
Make a photo calendar
Frame 4 of my photos
Put family photos up (2010)
Write a short story
Finish the mystery novel
Fill one notebook per month (0/33)
Make braided rug kit

Pay off the dentist
Save a quarter a day (3/1001)
Pay off F&M
Build $1,000 emergency fund
Sell something on ebay for everything I buy there (0/3)
Stay current on bills
Bring lunch to work 3x week (9/426)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My daybook

I am wearing My favorite jeans, a black top and ratty sneakers.

I am reading all sorts of things, as usual. Death du Jour by Kathy Reichs and Finding Your Writer's Voice by Thaisa Frank and Dorothy Wall. Listening to a Laura Lippman.

I am hearing my husband's soft snore and my dog munching.

Learning all the time about embracing my true self.

I am thankful Jack was able to come home for a visit.

I am hoping for a perfect transition into the next phase of our lives.

From the kitchen Jack made the most amazing hamburger buns last night. However (not unfortunately) my kitchen will no longer be housing any grains. I am trying an insulin resistance diet plan. Because my doctor said to and my intuition chorused a big "Hallelujah."

I am creating, period.

Bringing beauty to my home with fresh herbs in the kitchen.

Around the house, we are planning a fall overhaul: Rip out walls, install insulation; rip up flooring and see if we have hardwood floors.

Outside my window the day is clouding. Just like my mood, since I am now counting the hours until I won't see Jack again for a month.

I am thinking about my mother.

A few plans for the rest of the week...None. Write. Plan a new way to eat. Live each day a little more mindfully than the last. Maybe do some laundry. :)