Really feeling great. Renewing relationship with collarbone, hip bones, ribs. Occasionally feel vulnerable, exposed, having bones so close to the surface, as if someone could break them, but my core has heated up to melt off the excess. Watched Biggest Loser last night. One woman lost 10 pounds in ONE week. I have no idea how that is possible.
Home all day. Nibbled WAY too much, BUT finished the day off with the longest treadmill session ever. And I wasn't even connecting the two. I just wanted to go for two miles on an incline. 62 minutes and I am psyched. My knees are a little sore, but I was not ridiculously out of breath at all. I kept it slow to make sure I'd get there. Someone commented we might go back to Washakie Falls in the Spring and I want to be ready. A mile here and there won't cut it.
I plan to look much different the next time we do this:
Me, Carlie and Jackie, mid-hike. October 3, 2008Invented new dessert today with my new best friends stevia and cool whip.
Add cinnamon, nutmeg and stevia to raw pumpkin. Stir. Fold in cool whip to desired consistency. Yum.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm not worried at all. We are headed to the mountain with a Dutch oven dinner and a romantic meal that cooks while we hike and cut down our Christmas tree. Life is good.