Tuesday, January 2, 2007


So I realized my theme for this blog was to be all the things I wonder about in a day and I've yet to write about one. But nope, this isn't when I start, either.

Also while home in Maine I met with a woman who really made an impression on me. She is not only heartily down to earth (the friend who recommended her said she was more believable with all the four-letter words) and real, she is an inspiration for me.

Courageous. Determined. Imperfect, but doing it already.

"It" is tuning in to all the Divine guidance available to us. It's hard when we are so hell-bent on not listening, so people like this woman do a great service to them and us. I know in my bones I am one of those here to help other people listen better to their own inner guidance, but I've yet to find a way to do it. Scratch that. I've yet to find a way I feel comfortable with, which is very different, isn't it?

Anyway, she told me to get my rear in gear and start writing my book already. Which I've heard a few million times before. But this time it was more defined - with subject clarity and phrased in such a way that I know I cannot wait for lightning to strike. I have this great image of her all scrunched up showing me what it takes to get it done. So, in sum, I am psychically and energetically constipated.

Spiritual laxative anyone?

But seriously, I have a lot inside I need to get out and beyond that, some I just need to share. Duty-bound to do so, even. Like St. Theresa's prayer and 1st Peter 4:10. We have gifts and are here to use them and make the world a better place.

And yes, I watched Pollyanna about 6,917 times.

I still love it.

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