Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the hormone SS

What exactly are hormones, anyway?

Monday I was bloated - I felt like I wouldn't fit into the seatbelt. That was awful, but yesterday I got worse - I was irritable, antsy, unsatisfied and generally unhappy. I tried to crush those feelings with many cookies and 7&7's, but alas, I awoke this morning with a full-blown revolution going on inside. [Some may blame the sugar for exacerbating the problem, but I'll defend my friendly chocolate chips to the death.]

There I was , laying in bed all snuggly with my honey and totally ready to scream.

I wasn't even awake!

So, I ask - what are these nefarious things that can take over our lives and generally rewire our whole lives for a few days, leaving a trail of emotional flotsam and jetsam to clean up after they say "Bye! See you next month!"?

Who gave them the power anyway?

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